A Response to Consumer Union's "Do You Know What You're Eating?"
Douglas G. Pfeiffer, 205C Price Hall
Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech
I. Background:
The current issue (March 1999) of Consumer Reports contains a brief
account of the recent study performed by Consumers Union. Although this
article ("How Safe is our Produce?") probably will be much more visible
to the public than the full accounts, it is really impossible to assess
much about it because of its brevity. The claims of the short version
are that current laws do not protect children from consuming dangerous
amounts of pesticides, that such consumption is fairly common, and that
one pesticide in particular, methyl parathion, is a major contributor
to the problem of residues danger. The shortcomings are not readily
apparent until the full account, entitled "Do You Know What You're
Eating?" is examined. A summary is
posted on the web in html and the full report in
PDF format.
This report used USDA data (these are large files, 9-39 MB)
on survey of pesticide residues from 1994-1997. The authors reformatted
the data, designing acute and chronic toxicity indices, and deriving an
overall Toxicity Index (TI).
This interpretation of data by the authors represents an attempt to
provide an objective way of assessing pesticide risk in the food
supply. One main point we are left with is that whenever a complex
situation is reduced to a single number claimed to be an objective,
quantitative descriptor, one should be skeptical. There are often
subjective judgements and assumptions that enter into the underlying
calculations. The approach has several disastrous flaws, both
theoretical and practical, which I will discuss. There are also some
strengths that I will mention.
II. Theoretical flaws:
Confusion between chronic exposure and acute exposure: In
discussing chronic exposure, the authors use the Reference Dose, RfD.
This is the dose below which, if consumed every day over a lifetime,
there is no effect. But the authors repeatedly confuse this with an
acute overexposure, e.g., when talking of a single peach, "...a young
child can ingest more than a safe dose ... of a specific pesticide by
eating a single serving..." This wording misinterprets an index for
chronic exposure for the purpose of eliciting alarm.
Effect of multiplication by constants on spread of data: The
authors multiplied the inverse of the LD50 by 100 in order to make
whole numbers and eliminate decimal fractions (this was not in fact
accomplished ‚ we were merely left with decimal fractions 100 times
bigger, like 0.200 instead of 0.002.) Conversely, in calculating the
chronic toxicity index, the inverse of the RfD ranged from 6 to over
50,000. "To express the results on a more manageable scale, we
multiplied them by 0.1." Multiplying data by a constant would not
change the significance of statistical differences in a real test.
However, it would affect the apparent spread of the data, and that is
all that was used by the authors to define important differences. The
authors state "...comparatively small differences (of 10-20 points or
less on the TI scale) between scores for different foods are not very
meaningful, statistically. Large differences...are not subject to this
caveat." Since data were arbitrarily multiplied by different constants,
it makes no sense to talk about distance of spread of data points
unless accompanied by a statistical test.
Arbitrary assignment of critical levels of TI: The toxicity
index provides a relative toxicity loading of each fruit in the study.
TI levels in the study range from 0.01 to 5,376. The authors state
that, "In our judgement, values greater than 100 on the TI scale show
comparatively high pesticide contamination, and values less than 10
indicate that those foods are comparatively quite "clean". (Values in
the range from 10 to 100 represent increasing degrees from "low" to
"moderate" levels of pesticide contamination.)" What is the basis of
saying that a score of 100 is associated with a real risk, greater
than, say a score of 75?
A similar example of arbitrariness is the multiplication of chronic
toxicity by a factor of 2, doubling its impact over acute toxicity. The
rationale is that chronic toxicity is more relevant to dietary
consumption. But this considers only consumer aspects. Farmworker
safety would be better addressed by a greater emphasis on acute
toxicity. The point is not whether farmworker safety is more or less
important than consumer safety, but rather that a subjective decision
was made in the derivation of this apparently objective quantitative
Arbitrary weighting of certain factors: In addition to chronic
toxicity, roles of pesticides as endocrine disrupters and carcinogens
are considered. If a product was suspected as an endocrine disrupter in
a popular book on the subject, it is given a weighting factor of 3.
This is a heavier weight than is given to carcinogenicity. The authors
state that "Endocrine disruption is responsible for some of the most
devastating documented effects of pesticides on wildlife... In our
judgement, potential endocrine disruption is a more important aspect of
a chemical's toxicity than even potential carcinogenicity, and our
scoring scheme therefore gives it great weight." The concept of endocrine
disruption has been more controversial lately, especially after
authors retracted
some early studies in this field. Is it justified to give this
phenomenon such great weight, much greater than carcinogenicity? This
was a value judgement by the authors.
III. Practical flaws:
Confusing use of terms for more than one meaning: It is
difficult to use the data presented in tables to reconstruct TI's. This
is especially troubling because of possible errors exist in initial
assumptions (see below). The authors translate the LD50 into an Acute
Toxicity Index by multiplying the inverse of LD50 by 100. (ATI = (1/
The authors then multiply the ATI by the mean residue, then by the
percent positive results to obtain a statistic also called the Acute
Toxicity Index (ATI). Similar terminology problems exist with the
Chronic Toxicity Indices (CTI).
Methyl parathion: Methyl parathion is considered to be a risk
driver on many of the crops considered, accounting for a large portion
of total risk. But there is an incorrect starting point in risk
calculations based on incorrect LD50. (LD50 is a measure of toxicity,
expressed in the amount of active ingredient it takes to kill 50% of a
laboratory population, usually rats or mice, and expressed in
milligrams per kilogram of body weight). According to Extoxnet, the
LD50 for methyl
parathion is 6-50 mg/kg for rats, 14.5-19.5 for mice, 420 for
rabbits, and 1270 for guinea pigs. The LD50 for
ethyl parathion is 2-30 mg/kg rats, 5-25 for mice, 10 for rabbits
and 8-32 for guinea pigs.
In Table 2 of the report, the LD50 is given as 14 mg/kg for BOTH ethyl
and methyl parathion, with a resulting Acute Toxicity Index of 7.14 for
both. Methyl parathion is less toxic than ethyl parathion; this is why
ethyl parathion was removed from the market, leaving methyl parathion
available for use. If a LD50 level only somewhat closer to the upper
end of the published range had been chosen, say 50 mg/kg for rats, the
Acute Toxicity Index would have been 2.0, rather than the authors'
7.14. This change alone would have reduced the overall chronic toxicity
index by more than two-thirds.
When the effect of formulation is considered, the situation is even
more complex. Methyl parathion is normally applied as Penncap M, a
microencapsulated formulation. This greatly enhances safety to
farmworkers and nontarget species. The oral LD50 of Penncap is more
than 2000 mg/kg, about 40 times safer than the technical material. (It
should be remembered however, that this encapsulation would also act to
extend life of residues on fruit. This fact is already accounted for in
the report through the data on percent positive findings, and mean
residue levels).
IV. Strengths of report: Despite its fatal flaws, there are some
merits to this report. Relative estimates of toxicity or environmental
impact have a place in discussions on pesticide policy. The discussion
of imported versus domestic produce helps to dispel some notions that
American food is much cleaner than imported produce. Spray patterns
leaving relatively greater residues could be singled out for further
examination. However, the benefits of the discussion on relative
toxicity would have a more appropriate place in helping farmers modify
their practices, rather than in an uncritical presentation to the
public, instilling alarm rather than encouraging a smooth transition of
V. Summary: The Consumers Union study contains theoretical and
practical flaws that greatly limit its use in evaluating spray
practices. The severity of residues is reduced to a single numeric
descriptor, giving the impression of an objective measure, while
masking subjective judgements of the authors. Many of the flaws could
have been limited, and some of the benefits would have been greater, if
this work had gone through the refereed process common in the
scientific literature, rather than simple dissemination to the public.
Peer review serves not only to keep poor science from being published,
but also save authors from embarrassing mistakes that would have been
easy to correct.
Dr. Jeff Bloomquist, a neurotoxicologist in the Department of
Entomology here at Virginia Tech, has made me aware of a response to
this report to the EPA from the Society of Toxicology.
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G. Pfeiffer