Pear Insect Chemical Ratings - 2013 changes
Updated 15 April 2013
- Direct Pests of Pear - affecting the fruit directly
- Codling moth
- Oriental fruit moth
- Excellent: Altacor, Guthion, Imidan, Voliam
Flexi, Voliam
Xpress, 3M
Sprayable Pheromone
- Good: Avaunt, Belt, Bifenture,
Calypso, Isomate-CM/OFM
- Pear rust mite
- Pearleaf blister mite
- Plum curculio
- Green fruitworms
- Excellent: Adjourn, Ambush, Asana, Battalion,
Danitol, Pounce, Proaxis, Voliam
Flexi, Warrior,
- Good: Thionex
- Tarnished plant bug and Stink bugs
- Excellent: Ambush, Asana, Battalion,
Beleaf, Baythroid,
Carzol, Danitol, Endigo, Pounce, Proaxis, Voliam
Xpress, Warrior
- Good: Calypso, Thionex, Surround
- Indirect Pests of Pear - affecting other parts of the
tree (leaves, shoots, etc.)
- Pear psylla
- Excellent: Superior oil, Actara, Adjourn, Agri-Mek, Ambush, Asana, Assail, Baythroid,
Calypso, Danitol, Declare, Dimilin, Esteem, Fujimite, Lorsban, Movento, Mustang Max,
Nexter, Pounce, Proaxis, Surround, Voliam
Flexi, Warrior,
- Good: Admire Pro, Belay, Imidan, Provado, Thionex
- European red mite
- Excellent: Superior oil, Agri-Mek, Apollo,
Carzol, Envidor, Fujimite, Kanemite, Mitac, Nexter, Onager, Savey, Zeal
- Good: Acramite, Danitol, Vendex
- San Jose scale
- Climbing cutworms
Webmaster: Douglas G. Pfeiffer