Virginia Small Fruits
Small Fruit IPM
Updated 15 February 2025
Strawberry Pests
| Blueberry Pests |Caneberry Pests |Biological Control | Chemical Control
Biological and Monitoring Information
Biological Control
- Predators of Mites and Aphids
Reprinted with permission from Mid-Atlantic Orchard Monitoring Guide,
published by NRAES, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, New York
14853-5701. (607) 255-7654
- Toxicity
to Orchard Predators from Pesticides [from 2022 Spray
Bulletin for Commercial Tree Fruit Growers (Virginia,
West Virginia and Maryland Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-419)]
- Toxicity
to Honey Bees of Fruit Insecticides [from 2022 Spray Bulletin for Commercial
Tree Fruit Growers (Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland Coop.
Ext. Pub. 456-419)]
- Commercial sources of natural enemies
- Entomopathogenic Nematodes
Control recommendations
- Your Nearest Poison Control Center -
(800) 222-1222
- Links to Virginia Chemical Control Recommendations:
- To buy hard
copies of Virginia Tech Recommendations
- New! Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide -
Produced by Penn State, Rutgers Univ., Univ. Delaware, West
Virginia Univ., Univ. Maryland and Virginia Tech. For a paper
copy, request Pub. No. 423-020 from Virginia Tech Extension
Distribution Center, 112 Landsdowne St., Blacksburg, Va. 24060
with check for $30.00, which includes shipping & handling.
(Additional ordering information).
Southeast Regional Small Fruit Pest Management Guides
- Southeast Regional Caneberries IPM Guide
- Southeast Regional Blueberries IPM Guide
- Southeast Regional Organic Blueberry IPM Guide
- Southeast Regional Strawberries IPM Guide
- Southeast Regional Bunch Grape Pest Management Guide
- Small
fruit IPM - NCSU (John Meyer)
- New England Fruit pest management guide (2015-2018)
- The Berry Diagnostic Tool (a companion to the NRAES
Production Guides for Strawberries, Raspberries and
Blueberries (Cornell Univ.)
- Weed control recommendations from the Pacific
Northwest (WSU, OSU, UI)
- Caneberry
- Strawberry
- Blueberry
- Pacific Northwest Insect Control
- Insecticide Resistance Management (Breeze)
Impact Quotient, developed at Cornell University to
determine the environmental impact of insecticides used in fruit
systems (updated by Cornell 2006)
and environmental profiles of specific pesticides
(EXTOXNET), with label and MSDS information from CDMS link
Information on organic pest control.
culture in brambles (ATTRA)
EPA Text on Pesticide
- Pesticide legislation - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide
(U. S. Senate web links)
Weed Management
A Course in
Fruit IPM
Upcoming IPM conferences
Douglas G.