I teach these courses in AUT: Introduction in Finance, Finance
Management in Agriculture, Taxes System in Albania.
Education / Training
14 - 24 February 2000 Participation in the course on �
Statistical Analysis in Integrated Pest Management IPM - CRSP Project
�, Tirana June, 1999 Ph.D. Defense�Financial policy of enterprise in
the market economy conditions- case of Albania�, AUT, Tirana.
Aug. - Sept. 1995 Participation in the course � The role of
Investment funds and their regulation in Albania�, organized by the
Bank of Albania and the Bankers Training Center.
Dec.1994-May 1995 Training on �Enterprise finance� , Department
of Economic Science, University of Padova, Italy.
Oct. 1992- Oct.1993 Post graduate studies, diploma DEA (Diplome
d�Etudes Approfondites) awarded in �Economie et Finance�, Faculty of
Justice, Economics and Management, University of Orleans, France.
Thesis �Establishment of a modern financial market in a former
socialist country-case of Albania�.
May 1992 A course on � Market Economics and Management
Development Program � in Tirana, Albania, organized by US Agency for
International Development and the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
July1983 Diploma (B.Sc.) awarded July 1983, AUT,Faculty of
Agrarian Economy (Specialization in finance).
Papers presented
1. Paper presented at the scientific workshop � Presentations
of the knowledge by the scholarship in France and its application in
Albania � organized by Financial Ministry of Albania and French Embassy
in Tirana, July, 1994.
2. Paper presented at the International Conference
�Restructuration de l�entreprise dans les pays du groupe de Visegrad�,
Poznan, Poland, November, 1995
3. Paper : � The restructuring of the agricultural sector in
Albania �, presented at the 4-th EACES (European Association of
Comparative Economic Studies) Conference : � Institutional Changes and
Problems of Economic Adjustment �, Grenoble, France, September, 1996.
4. Paper : � Les ajustements de l�entreprise en Albanie au
cours de la transition �, presented at the third International
Conference �L�organisation du developpement territorial dans les pays
en transition �, organized by Network of Vishegrad�s countries, Pierre
Mend�s University of Grenoble, France, May, 1997.
1. Terminologie economique fran�ais pour les pays en
transition, in direction by Guy SCHULDER, L�Harmattan, Paris, 1997,
2. Financial Management in Agriculture, notes for the
students, publish by SARA � USAID Project, Tirana, May, 1998.
Scientific publication
1. Risks and strategies of management, Journal
�Agricultural magazine�, January 1995.
2. Enterprise finance in market economy, Albanian review
�Economy and Transition�, October, 1996.
3. Balkan Experience in entreprise restructuring , Albanian
review �Economy and Transition�, N 2(16) April - June, 1998.
4. Some problems of financial policy in enterprise,
Albanian review �Economy and Transition�, N 2 (20) April - June, 1999.
Studies and others
1. �Evaluation of Albanian financial sector in general and
analysis of specific problems of agricultural finance during transition
period�, Co-author, SARA project, USAID. July- September 1994.
2. Problems of mass privatization, co-author. SARA Project
Study, July-August 1995.
3. Collaboration with the Languages Institute of Albania on the
publication of a Agricultural Terminology Dictionary (Section of
Agricultural Finance). In process.
4. Seminars, Marne la Vall�e�s University, France, December,
5. Seminar, � The Albanian Transition Economy in 1997 -
Agribusiness Development Issues � with the students of Oklahoma State
University, USA, October 6, 1997.
6. Translating in Albanian language �L�economie de
l�entreprise� writing by Xavier RICHET, edited by TOENA, Tirana, 1998.
7. Seminar � Financial Management and Accounting � 8 - 10 June
1998 Golem, Albania supported by SARA / USAID Project.
8. Collaboration with ACER (Albanian Center For Economic
Research) for � The Anti-Corruption Initiative � (a World Bank
Project), 1998.
9. Member of Project � Integrated Pest Management for Olives in
Albania � for the period 1998 - 2002 in collaboration of IPM CRPS
Management Entity, supported by USAID, USA.
10. Member of Project � U.P.G.R.A.D.E. - University Professor
Guidance related to Albanian Directing Efficiency �, contract n� CME -
02542-96 with coordinator COMETTLI.SA, Geneva, Italy.
11. Collaboration with ACER (Albanian Center For Economic
Research) for the Project � World Environment of Business : Case of
Albania�, 1999.
12. Collaboration with Enterprise Support Team (Albanian NGO)
for the Project : � Animation of rural zone � Selite e Vogel � - a new
orientation of young people of this village for an active integration
in the social - economic network of the country �, supported by SOROS
Foundation, Tirana, June - November, 1999.