

Disease Chemical and Formulation Rate/100 gal Dilute Acre Concentrate Remarks
Phomopsis twig blight (Phomopsis spp.) Indar 2F

Ziram 76DF
Pristine 38WG
Switch 62.5WG
Omega 500F

Abound 2.08F

Tavano 5SC

Captan products






6.0 fl oz

3.0 lb
18.5-23. oz
11-14 oz
1.25 pt

6.2-15.4 fl oz
6.0-15.5 fl oz

3.75-13.0 fl oz
6.2 fl oz
3.75-13.0 fl oz

See product labels

Begin applications before disease development and continue on a 7-to-14 day schedule, following resistance management guidelines. For Phomopsis twig blight control, make the first Indar application at early green tip and make subsequent applications at 8-to-14 day intervals. Applying Indar alone during bloom can increase fruit rots, so tank-mix Captan with Indar for bloom sprays to alleviate this problem. Do not make more than 4 applications (24 fl oz) of Indar or apply within 30 days of harvest. Apply Ziram at loose bud scale stage and 7 days later. Do not apply more than two sequential applications of Abound, Azaka, or Pristine before alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode of action. Do not apply more than 1.44 qt of Abound, 46 fl oz of Azaka, 92 oz of Pristine, 56 oz of Switch, 7.5 pt Omega 500, or 43.7 lb of Captan per acre per year. Abound, Pristine, and Switch may be applied the day of harvest. Caution: Abound is extremely phytotoxic to some apple cultivars, including ‘Gala’. Prevent spray drift and leftover residue in the spray tank which may come in contact with apples.
Mummy berry twig/fruit infection Indar 2F
Orbit 3.6E
Tilt 3.6E

PropiMax 3.6E
Quash 50WDG
Quilt Xcel
Proline 480SC

Pristine 38WG
Switch 62.5WG
Abound 2.08F
Serenade MAX
Serenade ASO


6.0 fl oz
6.0 fl oz
6.0 fl oz
6.0 fl oz
6.0 fl oz
2.5 oz
14-21 fl oz
5.7 fl oz
18.5-23.0 oz
11.0-14.0 oz
6.2-16.5 fl oz
6.0-15.5 fl oz
1-3 lb
2-6 qt

Begin applications before disease development and continue on a 7-to-14 day schedule, following resistance management guidelines. Start applications of Indar, Orbit, Tilt, Bumper, Propimax, or Quilt Xcel, at early green tip and make subsequent applications at 8-to-14 day intervals. Serenade applications should begin at bud-break and continue at 7-to-10 day intervals. Applying Indar alone during bloom can increase fruit rots, so tank-mix Captan with Indar for bloom sprays to alleviate this problem. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Abound, Pristine, Quash, Quilt Xcel, or Captevate before alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode of action. Do not apply Indar, Orbit, Bumper, Propimax, Tilt, or Quilt Xcel within 30 days of harvest. Do not make more than 4 applications or apply more than 24.0 fl oz of Indar; do not apply more than 30.0 oz of Orbit, 43.7 lb of Captan, 92.0 oz of Pristine, 21.0 lb of Captevate, 1.44 qt of Abound, 46 fl oz of Azaka, 30 fl oz of Bumper, 56 oz of Switch, 7.5 oz of Quash, 11.4 fl oz of Proline, or 82 fl oz of Quilt Xcel  per acre per year. Caution: Abound is extremely phytotoxic to some apple cultivars, including ‘Gala’. Prevent spray drift and leftover residue in the spray tank which may come in contact with apples.

Fruit Rots


Alternaria rot,


Pristine 38WG
Switch 62.5WG
Abound 2.08F
captan products

Captevate 68WDG
Omega 500F
Serenade MAX
Ziram 76DF
Tavano 5SC


18.5-23.0 oz
11.0-14.0 oz
6.2-15.4 fl oz
6.0-15.5 fl oz
see product labels
4.7 lb
1.25 pt
1-3 l
1.5 lb
3.75-13.0 fl oz
6.2 oz
3.75-13.0 fl oz

Early Bloom to Post Bloom: Begin applications before disease development and continue on a 7-to-10 day interval, following resistance management guidelines. Observe pre-harvest and re-entry restrictions. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Abound, Pristine, or Captevate before alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode of action. Caution: Abound is extremely phytotoxic to some apple cultivars including ‘Gala’. Prevent spray drift and leftover reside in the spray tank which may come in contact with apples. OSO and Tavano labelled for suppression only for anthracnose: see labels for precautions. Do not apply more than 92.0 oz of Pristine, 56.0 oz of Switch, 1.44 qt of Abound, 46 fl oz of Azaka, 43.7 lb of Captan, 21.0 lb of Captevate, 7.5 pt of Omega 500, 20 lb of Ziram 76F, 78.0 fl oz of OSO or Tavano, or 18.6 oz of Ph-D per acre/year.

Leaf Spots





Septoria albo-


Dothichiza caroliniana, Alternaria tenuissima and Glomerella cingulata)
Pristine 38WG
Quilt Xcel
Orbit 3.6EC
Tilt 3.6EC
captan products
Serenade MAX



18.5-23.0 oz
2.5 oz
14-21 fl oz
6.2-15.4 fl oz
6.0-15.5 fl oz
6.0 fl oz
11-14 oz
6 fl oz
6 fl oz
6 fl oz
6 fl oz
5.7 fl oz
see product labels
1-3 lb

Post Bloom to August at 7-to-10 day intervals. Observe pre-harvest and re-entry regulations. For leaf spot control after harvest, resume spray schedule 1 to 2 times. Arrange season-long schedule to include no more than two sequential sprays of Pristine, Abound, Azaka, Quash, or Switch. Caution: Abound is extremely phytotoxic to some apple cultivars including ‘Gala’. Prevent spray drift and leftover reside in the spray tank which may come in contact with apples. Foliage and fruit can be damaged if Aliette, Agri-Fos, K-Phos, or ProPhyte are tank-mixed  with copper or foliar fertilizers, or  applied in acidic water.

Orbit, Tile, Bumper, Propimax and Proline have good activity against Septoria, but activity against other leaf spots is unknown. Captan is more effective against anthracnose leaf spot than against Septoria.


Do not apply Indar, Orbit, Bumper, Propimax, Tilt, or Quilt Xcel within 30 days of harvest. Do not make more than 4 applications or apply more than 24.0 fl oz of Indar; do not apply more than 30.0 oz of Orbit, 43.7 lb of Captan, 92.0 oz of Pristine, 21.0 lb of Captevate, 1.44 qt of Abound, 46 fl oz of Azaka, 30 fl oz of Bumper, 56 oz of Switch, 7.5 oz of Quash, 11.4 fl oz of Proline, or 82 fl oz of Quilt Xcel  per acre per year.
Additional discussion on Phytophthora root rot is given in PMG 456-017.
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Web Site Author: Douglas G. Pfeiffer