The Mid-Atlantic
Regional Fruit Loop
Extension, Research and Teaching in Fruit Crops
Fruit IPM
Links to information about Fruit IPM:

- Information on beneficial species
- Commercial sources of natural enemies
- Modes of Action Classification Scheme for Insecticides
(PDF), in Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) group site, and Fungicides
(Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) site)
- Help in weed identification and management
- A Course
in Insect Pest Management (Undergraduate)
- A Course
in Arthropod Pest Management (Graduate)
- A Course
in Managing Arthropod Pests (on-line Graduate)
- A Course
on Pesticide Usage (VPI&SU)
- Semiochemical lecture
for Arthropod Pest Management
- Pesticide Programs:
- IPM information for minor fruits or fruits outside the
mid-Atlantic area:
legislation - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
(EPA web links)
International fruit pests of
tortrix, Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Rösslerstamm (Mass link)
fruit moth, Grapholita funebrana
Lightbrown apple moth, Epiphyas
postvittana Walker
vine moth, Lobesia botrana Denis & Schiffermüller
Grape bud
moth, European grape berry
moth, Eupoecilia ambiguella Hübner
cockchafer, May beetle,
June beetle, Melolontha melolontha (L.)
Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
Upcoming IPM conferences:
Archive files: Winter Fruit Schools:Patrick-Carroll (Mt. Airy) - Feb. 7. Botetourt-Roanoke
- Feb. 8. Nelson-Albemarle
- Feb. 9. Madison-Rappahannock
- Feb. 10. Winchester
- Feb. 11, Winchester
small fruit school, Blackstone
Blackberry and Blueberry fruit school, 2003 Fruit Schools:
Mt. Airy - Feb. 10; Roanoke
- Feb 11; Central Virginia - Feb 12; Madison-Rappahannock
- Feb 13; Winchester - Feb 14. The 2004 meeting of the NABGA
was held in Tampa FL on Feb 21-22. The program
was posted. Small
Fruit field day - Blackstone, July 22, 2004. Southeast Regional Fruit and
Vegetable Conference - Savannah GA, January 7-9, 2005