Barnes Orchard

The Virginia Fruit Web Site:

Virginia Apples

Updated 23 February 2025

The rankings of the mid-Atlantic states in national apple production are as follows: Washington, New York, Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Oregon, Ohio, Idaho, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, and Maryland (other states produce less than 75,000,000 pounds.

Virginia ranks approximately sixth in the nation for apple production (about 10,600 bearing acres in 2012, down from 12,600 in 2007; however non-bearing acres increased from1,155 to 1,372 in those years ). Most production is located in the western counties stretching from Winchester (Frederick Co.) in the north, to the tier of counties along the North Carolina border. Much acreage is devoted to processing production, especially in the northern counties; elsewhere in the state, fresh production predominates. The five leading varieties are Red Delicious, York, Golden Delicious, Rome and Fuji. There has been increased interest in newer varieties such as Gala, Braeburn, and Ginger Gold, as well as more dwarfing rootstocks. In 1998, 280 million pounds were produced (42 lb/bushel). A five-year average (1994-1998) of crop value is $31.0 million. This does not include value-added aspects such as sales of processed fruit. See the Apple Crop Profile by Tukey et al. (2000). See 2000 Production Data (Natl. Agric. Stat. Serv. PDF)

A listing of the more important apple-producing counties with 2001 acreage planted to apple follows. For more information on any of the apple-related materials, contact the county agent by clicking on the highlighted county name (Important: Because of reduced staffing in many counties, please look for answers to questions in the page or printed extension publications before submitting your e-mail query. For example, general information on selection of varieties, establishment of plantings, and other topics is presented in a section on "Tree Fruits in the Home Garden

6,466 acres
2,316 acres
1,451 acres
1,451 acres
1,023 acres
703 acres
346 acres
350 acres
319 acres
304 acres
199 acres
177 acres

Virginia Fruit Homepage

Maintained by: Douglas G. Pfeiffer
Department of Entomology
Virginia Tech
, Virginia

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