Temperature Data for Orange County (Northern Piedmont AREC) - 2010 (VAES Mesonet)

8/1 63.0 76.4 AM
8/2  65.3 83.4 AM 
8/3 69.4 84.6  AM
8/4 69.8 90.1  AM
8/5 69.4 94.5 AM
8/6 69.8 91.5  AM
8/7 63.7 86.1  AM
8/8 59.8 88.7 AM
8/9 67.2 93.0 AM
8/10 71.0 95.8 AM
8/11 74.3 93.7 AM
8/12 71.8 93.7 AM
8/13 69.2 82.2 AM
8/14 67.2 79.2 AM
8/15 69.4 81.7 AM
8/16 70.3 92.7 AM
8/17 67.8 90.5 AM
8/18 67.1 76.3 AM
86/19 66.5 85.9 AM
8/20 66.5 91.1  AM
8/21 65.5 89.7  AM
8/22 68.5 90.1  AM

8/23  66.1 86.3 AM
8/24 64.4 71.4  AM
8/25 61.8 81.5  AM
8/26 63.7 84.1  AM
8/27  61.9 81.5 AM
8/28  61.2 87.7 AM
8/29 62.0 92.0 AM
8/30  64.8 96.8 AM
8/31 68.8 94.5 AM
9/1 64.9 95.6 AM
9/2 65.5 93.1 AM
9/3 67.4 94.0 AM
9/4  62.0 81.8 AM
9/5 51.1 80.6  AM
9/6  56.1 86.3 AM
9/7  58.9 91.9 AM
9/8 68.8 93.2  AM
9/9 54.3 81.9  AM
9/10 50.9 78.6 AM
9/11 52.9 79.8  AM
9/12 60.0 78.9 AM
9/13  56.3 88.3AM
97/14 65.0 88.2 AM
9/15 59.5 86.8 AM
9/16 59.4 89.3 AM
9/17 62.6 82.9 AM
9/18 55.1 82.3 AM
9/19 53.6 87.7 AM
9/20 60.1 81.4 AM
9/21 52.7 82.2 AM
9/22 62.4 93.8  AM

9/23  66.1 95.1AM
9/24  62.4 95.2AM
9/25 66.4 91.9 AM
9/26 58.4 73.2 AM
9/27 58.8 72.2 AM
9/28 60.2 78.5 AM
9/29  54.4 61.4 AM
9/30 57.6 73.6 AM
9/31 50.6 72.3 AM

Degree-day targets:
OFM: Peach
- Firstbrood:
  Intrepid at 70-100 DD, then at 250-275 DD, if needed.  Organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids at 170-195 DD, then at 350-375 DD, if needed. Second brood: Intrepid at 1050-1100 DD, then at 1350-1400 DD, if needed.  Organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids at 1150-1200 DD, then at 1450-1500, if needed. Third brood:  Organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids at 2100-2200 DD, then at 2450-2500 DD, if needed.
First brood:  Intrepid, Assail and Calypso at 250-275 DD.  Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethoids and Avaunt at 350-375 DD.
  Second brood:  Intrepid, Assail and Calypso at 1350-1400 DD.  Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethoids and Avaunt at 1450-1500 DD.  Third brood:  Intrepid, Assail and Calypso at 2350-2400 DD, then at 2800-2900 DD, if needed.  Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethoids and Avaunt at 2450-2500 DD, then at 2900-3000 DD, if needed. Control of the fourth and fifth broods should be maintained in orchards where the pheromone trap threshold is exceeded.

CM 1st brood 250 (150 IGR), 2nd brood 1250-1300 (1150-1200 IGR)
TBM 1st brood 530 (585-640 IGR) (ARM 530), 2nd brood 2280-2355, 2665-2740 (2355-2435, 2665-2740 IGR).
VLR (Provisional only) 471.
  SJS 350-350.
SJS 300-350 above 50.