Raspberry Cane Borer, Oberea
bimaculata (Olivier)
I. Introduction: This cerambycid beetle is about 12 mm
(1/2 inch) long, and is black except for the pronotum which is
bright orange with two black spots. The long antennae easily
separate it from the rednecked cane borer.
II. Biology: Raspberry cane borer is distributed from
Kansas eastward, and has been reported as being very destructive
in Quebec. It infests the young shoots of raspberry, blackberry
and sometimes rose. Adults appear in June, and are present until
late August. After ovipositing, the female girdles 6 mm above
and 6 mm below the egg puncture. Shoot tips wilt in early
summer. Some accounts of the life history maintain that larvae
spend the winter not far from the point of girdling; in other
accounts, larvae reach the base of the cane by fall. In the
spring, tunneling continues, and a second winter is spent at or
near the soil surface. In the following spring larvae reach a
length of 2 cm. After the pupal stage, adults appear in June.
IV. Control: Chemical control: Just before blossoms open,
either malathion 8EC (2 pt/A) or M-Pede (2% solution) may be
applied. The following links
may be used for chemical control recommendations:
Management Guide for Commercial Small Fruit
Management Guide for Home Fruit (html)
Cultural control: Remove infested canes during winter
pruning. Once injury appears, wilting canes or those with
girdling should be destroyed. If pruning occurs within a few
days of the onset of wilting, only a small amount of additional
shoot need be removed.
See factsheet from Kentucky.