2011 Use Statistics for Virginia Fruit Page

Altogether there were 151,030 page views to pages within this web site in 2011.

Of the fruit crops represented in the Virginia Fruit Page the Grape page received the most use (4,305 page views), followed by the Apple Page (2,450 views), the  Peach Page (1,185 page views), the Small Fruit page (1,083 page views), and the Pear Page (514 page views).

The dozen leading pest species across fruit crops whose pages were visited were (in decreasing order) stink bugs (including brown marmorated stink bug), green June beetle, Japanese beetle, drosophilids (including spotted wing drosophila), periodical cicada, black cherry aphid, plum curculio, tarnished plant bug, strawberry weevil, spider mites, codling moth, thrips and pear psylla.

The site continues to be used by both commercial and home fruit producers, reflected by use statistics for pages based on Virginia Tech pest management recommendations. There were 25,351
page views associated with the Spray Bulletin for Commercial Tree Fruit Growers (41% Apple, 34% Peach and Nectarine,10% Cherry, 9% Pear, 6% Plum), 2,777 page views to pages associated with the Spray Guide for Commercial Vineyards, 1,193 page views to pages associated with the Spray Guide for Commercial Small Fruit (70% Blueberry, 19% Strawberry, 11% Caneberry), and 12,052 page views to pages associated with the Spray Guide for Home Fruit (43% Apple and Pear, 25% Grape, 15% Stone Fruit, 9% Strawberry, 5% Blueberry, 3% Caneberry). (In the VCE website, the PDF version of the commercial tree fruit guide received 337 visits, the commercial vineyard site received 224 visits, the commercial small fruit guide received 224 visits, and the home fruit guide received 495 visits).

Send comments by e-mail to: Douglas G. Pfeiffer